Lifting up Olympia: A Portrait Project

Cooper Carras, a photographer and 4th generation Olympia resident, is looking for individuals who actively support Olympia in big or small ways, and are willing to have their portrait taken for un upcoming art installation. If that sounds like you or someone you know, please read on for more details.


What is this for?

The photos will be on view from August 25th-November 1st in the windows of the historic Goldberg’s Building (403 Capitol Way S), in association with the Olympia Artspace Alliance. Digital screens allow new portraits to be added throughout the duration of the show.

When and where will the photos be taken?

Portraits can be taken anytime between now and the end of October. The location is wherever it is most convenient for you. The photos are all taken in front of a portable paper backdrop that can be setup just about anywhere, so the location itself will not be seen. A pop up studio might also be held in downtown Olympia for those who can make it.

What does it mean to support Olympia?

Support takes many forms. Some examples are public employees, non-profits workers, volunteers, artists, teachers, healthcare workers, farmers and local business owners/employees. Don’t limit yourself to this list, it could be anyone making a positive cultural contribution to Olympia in their own way.

Can more than one person be in the photo together?

Yes, although typically no more than 2-3 people due to size of the background.

What should I wear?

It’s up to you. The photos will be black and white, and solid fabrics in darker tones generally work well for that. If your profession is your reason for taking part in the project and it involves a uniform or specific attire then I would suggest wearing that.

Should I bring any props?

If there are physical objects that helps illustrate what you do, please feel free to bring them along.